Limited Office Hours & Office Improvements
New Office Hours – 8:00am – 4:30pm
Our physical office located at 239 Lincoln Way East will continue to have limited staff on site to accommodate pickup and drop-off of your documents on:
- Monday June 8
- Tuesday June 9
- Monday June 15
- Wednesday June 17
Please call or email us to schedule a pickup time. We will be utilizing a plastic drop box on our side porch by the door/entrance from the handicap ramp in accordance with social distancing measures. The mail slot in the front (wooden) door remains available for dropping off envelopes.
We are continuing to work remotely and monitor emails, messages, and faxes. If you have any questions or are interested in a meeting to discuss your taxes or financial status, we are offering phone meetings and virtual meetings. Please leave a message at 717 267 3572 and one of our staff will call you back to schedule a meeting.
Office Improvements – Preparing to Reopen
We are making improvements to our office for the protection of our clients and staff.
- Shields: We have installed plastic shields on the two desks in our reception area.
- Masks: When we fully reopen to the public, we will be requesting that everyone who enters our office wear a mask. Our staff will also wear masks if meeting with our clients in person.
We are working to be able to serve you safely in person. We will continue to keep you posted on these updates.